Incoming presentations at AGU 2023


Talk (12/2023): Our group, InCOME, will be contributing 4 presentations at AGU Annual Meeting 2023, 11-15 December. If you are interested in our work, please check out our talks and posters (focusing on hybrid scientific machine learning, geophysics and geomechanics, subsurface transport, carbon sequestration, and ice-sheet modeling). 

H13L-1610: Poster - Generating the digital twin of discontinuous reservoirs with monitoring data in real time (Qiao et al.;  2:10pm - 6:30pm PST, Mon, Dec 11, Board 1610‚ Poster Hall A-C - South - MC)

MR13B-0052: Poster - Measuring the mechanical property of planetary rocks at grain- and macro-scale using miro-RME and AGBM (Zhang et al.;  2:10pm - 6:30pm PST, Mon, Dec 11, Board 0052‚ Poster Hall A-C - South - MC)

H31H-08: Oral (Virtual) - Physics-informed hybrid learning for subsurface transport and its application to geological sequestration (Honghui Du, Zihan Lin, QiZhi He;  9:40am - 9:50am, Wed, Dec 13, MC - 3005 - West)

C41A-05: Invited Oral - Machine Learning modeling for accelerated uncertainty quantification in projections of ice sheets' mass change (Perego, He, et al.; 9:10am - 9:20am, Thu, Dec 14, MC - 2005 - West)
