News & Events

Incoming presentations at AGU 2023

Talk (12/2023): Our group, InCOME, will be contributing 4 presentations at AGU Annual Meeting 2023, 11-15 December. If you are interested in our work, please check out our talks and posters (focusing on hybrid scientific machine learning, geophysics and geomechanics, subsurface transport, carbon sequestration, and ice-sheet modeling). 

H13L-1610: Poster - Generating the digital twin of discontinuous reservoirs with monitoring data in real time (Qiao et al.;  2:10pm - 6:30pm PST, Mon, Dec 11, Board 1610‚ Poster Hall A-C - South - MC)

MR13B-0052: Poster - Measuring the mechanical property of planetary rocks at grain- and macro-scale using miro-RME and AGBM (Zhang et al.;  2:10pm - 6:30pm PST, Mon, Dec 11, Board 0052‚ Poster Hall A-C - South - MC)

H31H-08: Oral (Virtual) - Physics-informed hybrid learning for subsurface transport and its application to geological sequestration (Honghui Du, Zihan Lin, QiZhi He;  9:40am - 9:50am, Wed, Dec 13, MC - 3005 - West)

C41A-05: Invited Oral - Machine Learning modeling for accelerated uncertainty quantification in projections of ice sheets' mass change (Perego, He, et al.; 9:10am - 9:20am, Thu, Dec 14, MC - 2005 - West)


New paper in Computers and Geotechnics

Paper (04/2023): Congratulations to Honghui for publishing a paper titled "Modeling density-driven flow in porous media by physics-informed neural networks for CO2 sequestration" in Computers and Geotechnics. In collaboration with the UIUC's team, this study aims at exploring the application of deep learning approach in predicting the flow and transport behavior during CO2 injection, with providing a detailed comparison to the classic FEM numerical solver. More details can be found in:,63b-0Miq.

image of C&G

News (December, 2022)

Talk (December, 2022) Dr. He gave a seminar talk about Reduced Order Modeling and Physics-Constrained Deep Surrogate Model at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Conference (December 12-15, 2022) We have two collaborative studies presented in AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago. 

  • Physics-Informed Neural Network Method for Parabolic Differential Equations with Sharply Perturbed Initial Conditions
  • Solving River Dynamics at the River-ocean Interface using a Physics-informed Deep Learning Based Data Assimilation Approach

Event: We are organizing a symposiums titled "Data-Driven Approaches and Digital Twins for Solid and Geological Mechanics" in Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI) 2023. You are invited to submit abstracts to the mini-symposium MS704 at

Seminar November

Talk (November, 2022) Honghui presented his recent studies on "efficient meshfree method and CO2 density-driven flow modeling by using physics-informed neural networks" in the Structures Seminar at the Department of Civil, Environmental, ang Geo- Engineering.

In the same week, Dr. He gave a talk titled "Data-Assisted Computational Mechanics: From Reduced Order Modeling to Physics-Constrained Deep Surrogate Model" in Solid Mechanics Research Seminar at the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics.

Minisymposiums in 17th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics

Event (November, 2022) We are organizing two symposiums on Data-Driven Computational Solid Mechanics and Data-Driven Additive Manufacturing in the 17th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM) at Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 23-27, 2023 ( Welcome to submit abstracts to the following two MS before Jan 15th, 2023. 

MS 413 Data-Driven Computational Solid and Geological Mechanics
Qizhi He (UMN), WaiChing Sun (Columbia), Jiun-Shyan Chen (UCSD), Xiaolong He (ANSYS)

MS 605 Physics-Based and Data-Driven Solutions for Additive Manufacturing 
Lin Cheng (WPI), Jinhui Yan (UIUC),  Miguel Bessa (Brown),  Qizhi He (UMN)


News (August, 2022) Dr. He was appointed as the CTS Faulty Scholar of the Center for Transportation Studies. He also recently joined the organizer team for the "CSE DSI Machine Learning Seminar Series sponsored by the College of Science and Engineering.

New paper

Paper (August 2022) A collaborative work with UC San Diego's teams is accepted for publication in the ASME-Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. Congratulations! [Link]

New group member

Member (August 2022) Welcome to new CEGE graduate student Honghui Du to He Group!